Alguns textos e posts de e sobre blogs, achados no bloglines e lidos na diagonal, por enquanto:
Blogs Will Change Your Business - [Business Week] Look past the yakkers, hobbyists, and political mobs. Your customers and rivals are figuring blogs out. Our advice: Catch up...or catch you later
Laying the Newspaper Gently Down to Die - [Jay Rosen, Press Think] And keeping the spirit of journalism alive. Craig Newmark says: "My guess is that either me, personally, or my craigslist team, will promote work which merges professional and citizen journalism, along with more fact checking and more investigative journalism."
Forget Blogs - [Editor & Publisher] Are blogs the answer to newspapers' disappearing-audience problem? No way, says our young reporter. The right way to capture young readers, he says, is to work on smarter interfaces and new ways of delivering information.
Reflections on my blogging experience Where has this year gone? Could it really be possible that we only have a month of school left until summer break? As I reflect on the highs and lows of this school year at J. H. House, one of the highs definitely has been my experience with blogging.
Vive les Blogs - [Wired] Spurred by a culture of popular expression and debate that can be traced back to France's 17th-century salons, the French are embracing weblogs with a greater zeal than anyone on the European continent.