terça-feira, março 23, 2004

[as redes]

Hoje foi o dia das redes, nas mais variadas circunstâncias. Desde os livros do Castels que estou relendo (é... eu consigo reler duas coisas ao mesmo tempo, hipertext style). Aí, me perdendo nos RSS, achei muita falação sobre redes:

.. Counter-terrorist forces (Mossad, CIA, DoD, etc.) routinely use assassination to disrupt terrorist networks. However, despite the apparent success of this approach (moral and propoganda), experience indicates that this technique is not very effective. Terrorist networks such as al Qaeda have proven to be extremely resiliant despite attempts at "decapitation."
John Robb

.. The justification i've always given is that for people to have access to the technology to communicate (such as the internet) and the time to be concerned about non-local issues such as globalization, you have to have a fair degree of economic resources. This whole thing brings up one of the contradictions of indymedia, in that our mission is about making participatory media for the disenfranchised, yet most of the participants are not disenfranchised.

.. O terrorismo já se organizava em rede muito antes da internet. E rede é rede!!! Temos que nos ligar na organização emergente. Seja terrorismo, partidos políticos, camelôs ou malabares nos cruzamentos das grandes cidades.

.. beduíno wifi
With the proliferation of "WiFi Hot Spots" and the mobile devices that access them, the public and private space surrounding us has become literally soaked through with Internet data. The promise of ubiquitous access to the Internet from anywhere, anytime is quickly being fulfilled.


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