[[zaptlogs] in the XI Seminário sobre Formação de Professores para o Mercosul - Conesul e no mundo :)]
Vejam o que postei no EdBlogger Praxis. Que me perdoem os conhecedores da língua inglesa, mas não posso esperar falar e escrever bem para me comunicar.
In September, 24 to 27, 2003, occured in Santiago, Chile, the XI Seminário sobre Formação de Professores para o Mercosul - Conesul. This seminar involves researchers from Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and Argentina and happens annually in one of the participants' countries and universities. Every year, beyond the presentations of academic works, it is made the evaluation of the research on teacher's formation in the institutions and countries that are part of the group. The project [zaptlogs] was presented in the table of works on formation of the educator and caused much curiosity. The majority of the people in the seminar was unaware of the possibilities of the technology of weblogs in the education. Many contacts had been made and some seeds had been planted. I believe that, soon, we will hear about weblogs in the Mercosul - Cone Sul.