Next 5 Minutes is a festival that brings together art, campaigns, experiments in media technology, and transcultural politics
The fourth edition of the Next 5 Minutes festival is the result of a collaborative effort of a variety of organisations, initiatives and individuals dispersed world-wide. The program and content of the festival is prepared through a series of Tactical Media Labs (TMLs) organised locally in different cities around the globe.
TMLs have so far been organised in: Amsterdam, Sydney, Cluj, Barcelona, Delhi, New York, Singapore, Birmingham, Nova Scotia, and Berlin, while upcoming TMLs are planned in Chicago, Portsmouth, Sao Paulo, Moscow, Dubrovnik, and Amman.
Reports from the various TMLs, essays and other materials can be found on-line via the Next 5 Minutes web journal. (from the N5M site)
Brasil no N5M:
Está acontecendo em Amsterdam, o Next Five Minutes, evento que junta artistas e profissionais voluntários que usam a Web como meio de questionamento da produção cultural. Felipe Fonseca está participando do N5M e, entre outras coisas, falando sobre o Projeto MetaFora. Sua apresentação acontece sob o tema "Brazil is Hacker".