O candidato a presidência nos USA, Howard Dean, participará como convidado no Lawrence Lessig's blog O anúncio já conta com mais de 60 comentários.
O próprio Lessig comenta:
This is, I believe, the first time a presidential candidate has been a guest blogger. But it is an obvious extension of blogs and the process of becoming President. Campaigns are all about meeting different groups and talking about ideas. Where better than a blog? I have great respect for Governor Dean, and especially the clarity of his voice. I have even greater respect now that I see the doctor makes house calls. So Governor, welcome to this tiny server at Stanford: You’ll find perfect acoustics provided by MovableType, and an interesting mix of views provided by the readers.
Acompanho o blog de Lessig pelo RSS e vou estar de olho nesta participação especial. Uma idéia e tanto para por o público diretamente em contato com seus representantes.
Um dos comentários:
Hmm … “On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog” … or a presidential candidate?